The Perfect Sunday in Bordeaux

Yes, I have been incredibly slow on my blog updates, and I hope that I will eventually catch up, but I thought I would post about my Bordelais Sunday. Fun fact number one, May 1 is not just the birth date of one of the most incredible people I know, Mr. Quinten Busey, it is Labor Day here in France. Why, you may ask, is this relevant to my story? Well when you celebrate Labor Day, that means that those who normally work on Sundays, like the bus and tram drivers, are given the day off. For those of us whom live in Talence with access to an automobile, a small suburb about 45 minutes walking from Bordeaux, 20 minutes via tram, this slightly complicates the process of getting into Bordeaux. Considering we had great plans for yesterday morning- the Sunday market, coffee by the river, Bordeaux exploration- we had to find a way in!

Our thoughts immediately drifted to the multitude of public bicycles that are available for rent around the city through the public transit city, TBC. We thought the plan was full proof- we will just rent the bikes and ride them into town. In order for this to work, however, the credit card machines that allow you to rent the bicycles must be working- needless to say we set off on foot to hunt for one. About 45 minutes later... yes that means we actually walked all the way into Bordeaux... we found a credit card machine that worked! One small problem- there were four of us (Megan, Sarah, Andy, and me) and only three bikes, naturally. Megan and Sarah doubled up for a bit, and then I ran along side to get my exercise for the day. We made it to the markets about an hour and a half after our departure from Talence where we relaxed by the river for several hours over seafood kebabs, watermelon, and pizza. The weather was beautiful, until it wasn't,and then we were on the hunt for bicycles again in order to make it back to Talence before the sky opened.

Slight problem again... since no trams or buses were running everyone and their mother was using the public bikes! We were running all over the city looking for bikes, and we finally find them right as the rain began. Riding home in the rain, accompanied by some of the most lovely people I know, I was hit with an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment- things do not get much better than this. The weather let up on our ride home, and we decided to "drive through" McDonalds for a much needed McFlurry. Turns out that bicycles are not considered cars and are therefore not allowed in the drive through lane, so we had to walk in like every other normal customer- the thought just never occurred to us!

The night concluded with a delicious chicken risotto courtesy of Megan and some much needed OC episodes. My final sequence began today, and it seems like only yesterday that I was sitting in my first class. It is weird to think it is coming a close, but I am cherishing every last moment I have here and relishing in the unforgettable ones, like the simplicity of a perfect Sunday.